Mishna Wolff

Written by,
Mishna Wolff
Best-Selling Author, Screenwriter
Werewolves Within News

Me watching the filming on the monitor
Thanks for all the love for Werewolves Within. It's in theaters and VOD--and the response has been overwhelming. Written by yours truly, directed by Josh Ruben. The movie stars Sam Richardson (Veep), Milana Vayntrub (This is Us) and a comedic ensemble so talented they make everything they touched wonderful. Check out some of the interviews I gave with Josh. And thanks for watching.
Talking Werwolves Within
All of Wolff’s experiences funnel into this buoyant memoir, which is rich in detail but never feels overembellished...the tone manages to be light and triumphant because of the hilarious child-goggles Wolff wears while spinning her tales. Grade—A
Wolff's storytelling borderlines on brilliance, and indeed rises above that line... To a humorous and often touching effect, Wolff replays a journey than not all of the members of her family were willing to take.
Mishna Wolff’s I’m Down (St. Martin’s Press) is an
authentically funny, truly transcendent work that
makes other, sorry-voiced memoirs by a certain more
privileged class of writer pale—pun intended—by comparison.

Tanner Stransky
Entertainment Weekly
​Eric Easter
Ebony Magazine
Lisa Shea
Elle Magazine

Mishna Wolff started as a comedian and live storyteller. Her bestselling, critically-acclaimed memoir I’m Down is taught at high schools and colleges throughout America and sold at the Northwest African-American Museum and the Nobel Peace Museum in Oslo, Norway. She is a contributor to NPR, an alumna of the Sundance Screenwriters Lab and the Sundance Episodic Lab, and a recent recipient of the Indian Paintbrush fellowship and the Ubisoft Women's Fellowship. Her feature adaptation of Ubisoft’s Werewolves Within is coming to a theater near you in June 2021!
All Things Considered, You Must Read This: I talk about Last Exit to Brooklyn
No one ever had to ask me twice for a playlist, least of all the great Michel Martin.
Feature Writing, CAA: Sue Carls, Bryant Barile 424-288-2000
Book Inquiries: Erin Hosier at Dunow Carlson and Learner 212-645-7607
Speaking Inquiries Macmillan Speakers Bureau 646-307-5058

Press Inquiries: 42 West, Francesca.Ciuffo@42west.net